Patient: Good morning, doctor.
Chemist: Good morning, madam. What can I do for you?
Patient: Can you fill the prescription for me?
Chemist: Of course. Please show me the Prescription.
Patient: Here you are.
Chemist: Just a moment, please. All right. Your prescrition is ready.
Patient: Thank you very much.
Chemist: Don't mention it. By the way, you got the prescription from Dr. Johson, didn't you?
Patient: Yes, indeed.
Chemist: Did he tell you how to take the medicine?
Patient: No. he didn't say anything about it.
Chemist: All right. Let me tell you what you have to do. Take two of these tablets three times a day after meals.
Patient: How about this cough syrup?
Chemist: First shake the bottle. Take two spoonful of the cough syrup three times a day.
病人:非常感謝。 醫(yī) 學(xué)教 育.網(wǎng)搜 集
Patient: Thank you very much indeed.
Chemist: You're welcome. I hope you will recover in no time.
單詞 Words:
prescription n. 藥方
tablet n. 藥片
syrup n. 糖漿
spoonful n. 勺
recover vi康復(fù)
fill the prescription 抓藥
by the way 順便問一下
take the medicine 服藥
three times a day 每日三次
in no time 很快
句子 Sentence Patterns:
Can you fill the prescription for me?
Please show me the Prescription.請把你的藥方給我看一下。
Just a moment, please.請稍等片刻。
Take two of these tablets three times a day after meals.這些藥片每日三次,每次兩片。記住在飯后服用。
First shake the bottle. Take two spoonful of the cough syrup three times a day.先把藥瓶搖晃幾下。每日三次,每次兩勺。
I hope you will recover in no time.祝你早日康復(fù)。
相關(guān)單詞 Related Words
prescription 藥方
recipe 配方
tablet 藥片
pill 藥丸
bolus 大藥丸
powder 藥粉,藥散
ointmnet 藥膏
plaster 膏藥
capsule 膠囊
emulsion 乳劑
syrup 糖漿
mixture 合劑
tincture 藥酊
injection 注射劑
相關(guān)短語 Related Phrases
proved recipe 驗方
secret recipe 秘方
medicinal materials 藥材
medicinal liquor 藥酒
medicinal herb 藥草
medicinal liquid 藥水
absorbent cotton 藥棉
adhsiveplaster 膠布
ethyl alcohol 酒精
tincture of iodine 碘酒
distilled water 蒸餾水
cooling ointment 清涼油
相關(guān)表達方式 Related Expressions
Please take the medicine according to the instruction.請按說明服藥。
I'd like you to take one of these pills three times a day.你把這些藥片每天服用三次,每次一片。
I'll give you a dose of streptomysin.我給你一點兒鏈霉素。
These tablets are to keep the fever down.這些藥片是用于退燒的。
These tablets should clear up the trouble.這些藥片可以解除病痛。
These vitamin B and C are to build up your resistance.這些維生素B和C用于增強你的抵抗力。
This is for reducing the fever.這個是用來退燒的。
This medicine will give you quick relief.這種藥將快速解除你的病痛。